jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

Traveling to live: Experiences that connect you with life

Discovering what we are really passionate about is often complicated, given most of us are distracted from the routine, obligations and fears we have inherited from the society in which we have grown; I dont know what you feel, but personally, traveling and connecting culturally with other regions of the world has allowed me to discover the love and passion in my life, TRAVEL is more than visiting a place, traveling is connecting with people, traditions, knowledge and experiences of life, discover the "spiritual self" that is in each person that you cross in your journey, and most importantly, travel takes you out of your comfort zone, and I say this because we travel we face An endless number of Adventures and difficulties, in addition to the many gratifying, unforgettable experiences and wonderful places, and by this I mean facing to new language, traditions and behaviors totally different from our own, exotic flavors and gastronomy, mobilizing in a city or new place, and These are just some of the situations that a traveler faces, so it is important that the experiences lived in each trip are unforgettable and unique. Accompany me, and together we discover the best experiences of life and adventure of our passionate travelers.

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